The Book Publicist kicks off campaign for Building an Inclusive Organization

March 12 2019

#MeToo, pay gaps and political divides: It is time for business to take the lead on inclusion

We are delighted to be working on this important new book from Stephen Frost and Raafi-Karim Alidina which outlines the practical steps business leaders should take to ensure all employees are supported, happy, engaged and productive. Building an Inclusive Organization is an essential roadmap for any managers, leaders and HR practitioners who want to build a culture of diversity and inclusion within their organisation. The tools, ‘nudges’ and techniques can be applied in organisations of all sizes and sectors, with insightful sections focused on the work the authors have done in the creative industry, finance, tech and academia. As diversity and inclusion has acquired frontpage status, we think the media will be very excited by this new launch and the advice that the authors can bring. The campaign has already picked up interested from TV and national papers, so we are excited to see what it brings. For further information, an interview with Stephen Frost and Raafi-Karim Alidina, a guest article or a review copy of Building an Inclusive Organization, please contact: Jessica Jones or Matt Davidson:

t. 01497 288018


The Book Publicist
Cella Pegler Orchard