Children’s emotional well-being specialist appoints The Book Publicist

May 04 2020

We are delighted to be once again working with children’s emotional well-being specialist and author Alicia Eaton.

Alicia has run a successful practice in London’s Harley Street for over 15 years and her unique blend of psychology and practical parenting advice means she’s the number one choice for parents wanting help with their children’s emotional well-being. We’ll be running a profiling campaign for Alicia and raising awareness of her accessible and practical books on managing children’s emotional well-being: First Aid for Your Child’s Mind and Words that Work. We know that many families will find Alicia’s insights particularly useful during the Corona pandemic on topics like:
  • Generation Corona – how to help your children manage a fear of germs
  • How to stop cooped-up kids from fighting
  • Is online learning / virtual classroom making your child miss their teacher and classmates even more?
  • Kids driving you nuts? Take back control!
  • Things to do now to help your child manage a fear of returning to school
For further information, or an interview with Alicia please contact book publicist:

t. 01497 288018


The Book Publicist
Cella Pegler Orchard