Case Studies > Business | Careers | Leadership | People, Culture and Management

Confident Career Conversations: Empower your employees for career growth and retention

Antoinette Oglethorpe

We were delighted to be appointed by Antoinette Oglethorpe to manage the publicity for the launch of her book Confident Career Conversations: Empower your employees for career growth and retention (Rethink). Antoinette has a wealth of experience and expertise and was a hit with the media talking on a range of topics from her book including how to ask powerful questions for your team, staff development and how to have brilliant career conversations with Gen Z.

As well as appearing in top business publications such as the Harvard Business Review and Forbes and HR titles, Antoinette was also a popular expert with the lifestyle consumer press and there was a great buzz on LinkedIn when she shared an extract of her book with the LinkedIn Bookclub. 

Antoinette worked hard as a media expert and really amplified her profile though the promotion of her brilliant book. Congratulations on a fantastic launch! 

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Confident Career Conversations: Empower your employees for career growth and retention
by Antoinette Oglethorpe

Organisations want to maximise performance and employees want to maximise their career success. These goals are not one and the same. The key to keeping and growing employees is to help them develop their careers in line with the needs of the business. This relies on open, honest and effective two-way conversations. However, managers and employees can find it hard to talk about career development.

Confident Careers Conversations, answers the big question of how to have engaging career conversations that empower employees to take ownership of their own development while providing them with the information and support they need.

Campaign Highlights

  • Harvard Business Review
  • People Management
  • Stylist
  • Forbes
  • Personnel Today
  • HR Zone
  • HR Director
  • Business Leader
  • Fast Company
  • Engage Employee
  • Association of MBAs
  • LinkedIn Book Club

t. 01497 288018


The Book Publicist
Cella Pegler Orchard