Already a successful speaker and coach, Sue contacted The Book Publicist to support the launch of Explore her incredible personal story of adventure. She was a favourite with the media with her expedition tales and how the lessons she learnt have taught her how to coach leaders.
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Explore: A Life of Adventure
Sue Stockdale
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Explore: A Life of Adventure
by Sue Stockdale
Many people wonder if there is more to work and life. Perhaps they feel unfulfilled at work or in their personal life and need to challenge themselves in some way. Many want to change, but self-doubt and fear stands in their way.
EXPLORE: A Life of Adventure encourages and inspires readers to explore their own potential without fear, to step out of their comfort zone and to be courageous in taking risks and trying new things.
EXPLORE is a compelling memoir, describing how the author, Sue Stockdale, has embarked on a lifetime of adventure, exploring some of the world’s most extreme environments including the North Pole, Antarctica, and Greenland.
Sue shares the crucial life lessons which she has learnt from her adventures and describes how the mindset, discipline and commitment needed for adventurous activities is also useful in professional life. It covers important key areas, advising readers on: exploring with questions; self-discipline; being adventurous; networking; overcoming fear; seizing opportunities and self-compassion.
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