Meet The Author

5 MINUTES With…Mike McLaughlin

August 09 2022

"We need capitalism with a conscience..."

We’re excited to be working with leadership experts Mike McLaughlin and Elaine Cox on the campaign for their book, Braver Leaders in Action. We asked Mike our 5 questions to find out more about him, the book, and the vision: 

1. Pitch in 10 - sell us your book in less than 10 words 
It addresses the existential threats that we all face. 

2. Audience of One -  If you could choose ONE person to read your book who would it be and why? 
There are so many people to choose from. Every politician. Every leader of state. Every FTSE CEO. However, if I had to pick one person, I would say the current CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. (If I could pick more than one person, I would also add the equivalent for other countries too). However, focussing on one individual: The Chamber of Commerce is an extremely powerful governmental lobbying group. However, they are not without their critics e.g. green businesses. The CofC membership includes ExxonMobil. Google, Facebook, and Pfizer. If the CofC CEO were to embrace the messages in the book and spread those ideas across the membership, then that in turn may shift exactly what the CofC is lobbying the Government about. It may also help prompt the leaders of all member organisations to look closely at their cultures. As we say in the book, we are not against capitalism, but we need capitalism with a conscience. It is now no longer enough to pay lip-service to the pressing needs of employees, customers, the planet and its inhabitants. We spend a huge amount of our working lives in corporate environments which should be fair and ethical. Many companies talk about creating psychologically safe places to work, and yet treat their staff badly. Many companies are keen to display their green and planet friendly credentials, but are in fact myopically obsessed with the bottom line. I think that individuals may learn, when they reflect and step through the framework and exercises in the book, that they, or those around them, are far from living their lives and conducting their business in a way which is truly aligned with their values. I think that the book may provide a wake-up call, and a road map for the best way forward. In the book we say, profit by all means, but not by any means. We must think about our legacy. We must think about future generations. The time for low empathy short term decision making is over. If we could get genuine buy-in from powerful groups, organisations, and individuals, we really could change things quickly and markedly. Imagine a genuinely supportive work environment, honest and authentic leaders, companies with a conscience about what they are doing to all the people impacted by them, and of course the environment. Imagine companies who were lean, clean and efficient, not driven solely by profit, but also driven to do the right thing. 

3. Behind the Book - Who or what inspired you to write this book? 
That’s a long story. The essence of this book began with the previous book which was co-authored with Elaine. It was focused very much on coaching; however, we always knew that there was more to say. And so, since the publication of that book, but much more intensely over the last four years we began to have more directed conversations, ask questions, and noted down answers. We began to see that there were trends, threads, commonalities. We had a realisation that whilst we absolutely must gain the support of large corporations, politicians, and heads of state to change the way we do things, there was also a lot of superlative work already being done at a grass roots level. These ‘unsung heroes’ were already demonstrating how to behave in a principled way. These people may not be household names, but they were/are fighting the good fight, acting with integrity, making moral, ethical, and brave decisions. They were/are not hiding within a hierarchy, or behind an impressive title. They were being vulnerable, making that little part of their circle of influence better, one behaviour at a time, one day at a time. It seemed to us that although these individuals were not particularly well known, their methods and ideas could be highlighted to perhaps inspire others. And that’s where the book’s framework came from. There was an iterative and collaborative process at play, with a concomitant delve into the research literature. And many people have been involved – many more than are directly referenced in the book. We hope to inspire those leaders who may not be on our TV screens (yet) to know that they are making a difference, and to support and perhaps inspire them, to let them know that they are not alone. We also hope that through time, to see others acting immorally, unethically, inauthentically, and selfishly, with a greed driven agenda, will become repellent to almost everyone. In that way the decent people and businesses will be supported. Others will wither. A societal and cultural change is required. 

4. Guess what? Tell us one thing that readers might be surprised to hear about you. 
It’s difficult to know what to write here, so hence I’ll stick with a very short story – and a snippet about me. I ‘met’ Paul McCartney once. It was quite surreal. I was in a Private club in London, about to give a talk in one of the meeting rooms. Paul McCartney appeared in the Foyer; he was about to meet with some friends. It was just not the done thing to invade his privacy in that environment (although I’m sure he would have been gracious about it). I could have gone into crazed selfie mode, but I think everyone needs a bit of down time, and so managed to restrain myself. There was only the two of us in the foyer, and when he saw my look of recognition, he smiled with a knowing look, perhaps it was actually more of a very slight laugh at my facial expression. He held my gaze for a couple of seconds then moved on. And yes of course I now kick myself for being so polite – although because of that, perhaps Paul remembers it! Snippet: I am a keen photographer. I also draw and paint. 

5. The next chapter - what’s next for you? 
I do suspect that there is more to write about, perhaps a follow-up book where we explore some in-depth case studies. In the immediate future, I recently set up a Community Interest Company, and the goal is to work with larger organisations, promoting and teaching some of the ideas referred to in the book. However, funding from that will be directed towards helping individuals, groups, communities, and smaller businesses, to utilise resources that they would not normally have the capability to access. These resources would be in the form of coaching, mentoring, and workshops in the areas of mental health, emotional intelligence, resilience, and self-leadership. So, if you think you can help, please let me know. 

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t. 01497 288018


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