Meet The Author

5 MINUTES With…Paul Boross

August 26 2022

'I’ve worked in the comedy world for a lot of my life'...

We’re excited to be working with Paul Boross on the campaign for his new book, Humourology. We asked Paul our 5 questions to find out more about him, his book, and his vision:    

1. Pitch in 10 - sell us your book in less than 10 words
Humourology - the science of using humour to create competitive advantage.  

2. Audience of One -  If you could choose ONE person to read your book who would it be and why?
My late father, because one of the themes which frequently comes up with my guests is the influence of their family background on both their use of humour and the career which followed. The themes of resilience and looking at life from a different angle come up time and time again when I talk about my father, and perhaps if he could read the book then that would bring the story full circle.  

3. Behind the Book - Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I’ve worked in the comedy world for a lot of my life and more recently I’ve connected that with the corporate world. It felt like the right time to bring those areas of experience together and share my knowledge with others. Obviously, enormous pressure and financial inducements from my fabulous publisher were a factor too.

4. Guess what? Tell us one thing that readers might be surprised to hear about you.
I actually played the lead Ewok in Star Wars The Return of the Jedi. It wasn’t originally a speaking part until George Lucas heard my joke about the Rabbi, the Nun and the Wookie and decided to make it part of the movie. It only made the DVD release though due to censorship issues in North Korea.  I’ve been a pop star, film star, stand-up comedian, business psychologist, author, TV presenter, keynote speaker, political advisor and still the most important and rewarding role that I’ve had is as a father. The only downside is that my son, Sam, is threatening to follow in my footsteps, but fortunately he’s much more talented than me.

5. The next chapter - what’s next for you?
I plan to travel to South America to trace the source of the knock knock joke. I feel that this will open many doors for me. After that, I want to make Humourology the number one resource for organisations all over the world to create better, more productive and more fun workplaces.  

To get a review copy or to book in an interview, contact Jess Haycox   

t. 01497 288018


The Book Publicist
Cella Pegler Orchard