
How to Fund the Life You Want

Robin Powell & Jonathan Hollow

Publisher: Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781399404600 Released: 13.10.2022

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How to Fund the Life You Want by fiercely independent money experts Robin Powell and Jonathan Hollow gives people the knowledge and confidence to take control of their future finances.

Drawing on the authors’ expert understanding of how the investment industry profits from our confusion, this book is a refreshingly honest and topical account of how UK savers and investors can balance risk and reward to beat the system. From understanding the hidden costs of money management, to avoiding charlatans and sharks offering “get-rich-quick” schemes, How to Fund The Life You Want is a reminder that it is never too late to start planning for the future.


Count The Cost: The 5 Unspoken Rules of Sustainable Success

Uche Ezichi

Publisher: UK Book Publishing ISBN: 9781914195341 Released: 26.10.2021

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Uche Ezichi was an optimistic, upbeat individual pursuing his dreams - when one day he found that he couldn’t get out of bed. He was suffering from burnout, trapped in a downward spiral and feeling like a cheat for choosing not to continue with his dreams.

Uche made an effort to fight back and regain control of his life – and Count the Cost is packed with the lessons he learnt along the way. He explains the value in counting the cost of your dreams, and takes readers through his five key rules for sustainable success - recognise, realise, rest, review and (re)launch.

Count the Cost is a must-read for anyone looking to power up their life and embark on a journey of sustainable success. An international executive coach, speaker and facilitator, Uche works to build resilience and behavioural change in organisations.


Compassionate Leadership: The proven path to better well-being and committed, high-performing teams

Manley Hopkinson

Publisher: Piatkus ISBN: 9780349432885 Released: 30.06.2022

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Now, more than ever before, the world needs compassionate leaders. Drawing upon a wide range of case-studies and extraordinary stories, this brilliantly motivational, user-friendly, and highly practical book offers a one-stop guide to securing ‘the best for all’ through Compassionate Leadership.  

Manley Hopkinson has led teams to success in the world’s most challenging environments. Having skippered a crew in the world’s toughest yacht race 32,000 miles around the globe, served as an Officer in the Royal Navy, and set a record for the first skiing race to the Magnetic North Pole, he has led every kind of team possible. And it is his belief, that anyone can do the same.  

Compassionate Leadership is a comprehensive, life-changing, and life-fulfilling guide to developing actions and attitudes that are applicable across all situations and relationships.


Bold Reinvented: Next level leading with Courage, Consciousness and Conviction

Zana Goic Petricevic

Publisher: Bold Leadership Culture ISBN: 9789534961209 Released: 15.09.2021

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What makes a bold leader? What do they do, and how?

Bold Reinvented is the new guide to unlocking your leadership, from entrepreneur and executive leadership coach Zana Goic Petricevic. The book reveals the power of bringing your entire self to work, and the secret to unlocking bold leadership.

Zana builds on her 15 years of experience working with entrepreneurs and C-suite-execs to develop the new leadership strategies required to lead successfully in a VUCA world – with courage, consciousness, and conviction. To thrive in this environment, we need to lead from the soul, not just the mind.

Introducing her proven SOUL Framework as a blueprint for impactful leadership, the book is a step-by-step guide to empowering readers to activate their courage, embrace the unknown and unlock bold leadership:


Be a Lion

Terry Blackburn

Publisher: Powerhouse Publication ISBN: 9781838349073 Released: 22.02.2022

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Author, Terry Blackburn, had a turbulent adolescence. He was drinking and taking drugs at just 12 years old and left school at 16 without any qualifications, written off by his teachers as a loser who’d never achieve anything in life. Fast forward 18 years and at just 33, Terry is an award-winning entrepreneur, running seven very successful businesses in property investing, life insurance and mortgage brokerage. Yet Terry, a hands-on dad of 4, still prioritises his time to keep fit, eat well, and enjoy holidays, friends, reading, meditation and more. Terry believes that with the right mindset, anything and EVERYTHING is possible.

Be a Lion reveals how Terry achieved his impressive success, with practical steps and thought-provoking questions on how you can do the same. It helps the reader identify and avoid ‘animals’ such as ‘sloths’ and ‘hyenas’ who will drain your energy, waste your time and kill your dreams. This helpful guide also provides steps on how to think like a lion, to banish self-doubt and to supercharge your drive and determination, allowing you to make incredible transformations in business, money, relationships and health.

Written in an exuberant and conversational style, Be a Lion is organised into simple chapters packed with advice on how the ‘lion’ mindset can be applied to all areas of life such as: business and property – the power of simplicity, goal setting and continuous growth; health, wellbeing and fitness – drinking time-saving smoothies and writing daily goals and gratitude mantras; relationships – the importance of aligned values and a have-it-all mindset.

Terry provides actionable steps throughout his debut book to inspire and guide readers on their journey to creating an amazing life with zero self-doubt.


The Leadership Star: A Practical Guide to Building Engagement

Brian Hartzer

Publisher: Wiley ISBN: 9780730390831 Released: 23.04.2023

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As businesses grapple to get to grips with the post-pandemic normal—hybrid working, supply issues and staff shortages—an engaged and loyal workforce has become a critical must have.

The Leadership Star: A Practical Guide to Building Engagement sets out a proven methodology tried and tested across three continents in some of the world’s largest financial businesses.

Developed by Brian Hartzer in the crucible of a number of demanding leadership challenges in the financial sector, the five points of the Leadership Star help crack the code on what leaders can do personally to build high engagement:

  • Care: Show you care about people as individual human beings, and that you care about outcomes
  • Context: Give people meaning by helping them to understand the purpose of the organisation and why what they do matters
  • Clarity: Tell people what’s expected of them in terms of their role, outcomes and behaviours – what good looks like, and what great looks like
  • Clear the Way: Help knock down the barriers that hold people back
  • Celebrate: Recognise individual contributions and success, creating a powerful feedback loop for performance and engagement.

This important book also includes guidance on growing as a leader and tips on how to communicate effectively—particularly when you need your messages to reach into every corner of a large organisation. It also includes a timely chapter on how to lead and keep people engaged during a time of crisis.

The Leadership Star is a must read for everyone who wants to help their team be the best they can be.


The Fourth Bottom Line: Flourishing in the era of compassionate leadership

Paul Hargreaves

Publisher: SRA Books ISBN: 9781912300426 Released: 06.05.2021

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Change has to start with leaders before businesses can begin to make a positive impact in the world. The Fourth Bottom Line outlines the essential skills every manager will need in order to lead a business and a make lasting impact in society.

It's a book for anyone looking to become a more caring and compassionate leader and build a leadership legacy to be proud of. The outdated idea of a distant and commanding manager won’t work in an organisation that is trying to make the world a better place. Putting empathy and compassion at the very core of leadership is essential for success in business.

Paul Hargreaves is a B-Corp ambassador and the founder of one of the UK’s first B Corporations. He is a professional speaker who works to inspire leaders and businesses to find their purpose, challenge the status quo, and change the world.

In The Fourth Bottom Line, Paul reveals his fifty essential qualities every leader needs in order to drive positive change. Each topic is packed with useful tips and daily exercises to train up your skills, build healthy habits and become the leader you have always wanted to be – including traits like self-discipline, honesty, authenticity and vulnerability.


The Rubbish Book: A Complete Guide to Recycling

James Piper

Publisher: Unbound ISBN: 9781800180864 Released: 17.02.2022

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Recycling has never been more important – but it has also never been more complicated.

In The Rubbish Book author James Piper provides practical guidance and explains the common mistakes we are all making!

If you’ve been religiously removing the caps and lids from your bottles and jars and recycling them separately you are doing it wrong! The trick is to put them back on the empty bottle or jar as unbelievably anything smaller than a tennis ball cannot be sorted and recycled effectively.

Do you crush your cans and plastic bottles? Please don’t! Many recycling plants use shape sorters to separate out products and won’t recognise the interesting shapes you’ve just made.

  • Are sandwich boxes actually recyclable?
  • Why can’t black plastic be recycled?

The Rubbish Book has the answer to these and all your recycling questions. With sections covering:

  • a handy A–Z of household items and whether they can be recycled
  • an in-depth look at the collection and sorting processes
  • a break-down of what the recycling symbols on our packaging actually mean, and
  • an insight into the future of recycling and the new materials that will change the way we look at rubbish for ever.

Beat Stress at Work: How to Balance Your Ambition with Your Anxiety

Mark Simmonds

Publisher: Welbeck Balance ISBN: 9781801290128 Released: 03.03.2022

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For some, there is a high price to pay for ambition and success. The toll on our mental health can be significant, particularly if we are born with the ‘worry’ gene.

As a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health and specifically stress in the workplace will be at the top of society’s agenda for years to come. In Beat Stress at Work,

management trainer Mark Simmonds helps you to understand the effects stress and anxiety can have on your mental health and provides no-nonsense tools and advice to find your way through

work-induced struggles.

Through sharing his own experience, Mark sheds light on the difficulty of discussing mental health with colleagues and employers and identifies the best ways for navigating your way through a mental health crisis.

Beat Stress at Work shows how it can be possible to be ambitious and successful at work because of, not in spite of, the mental health challenges you may face.


Answer Intelligence

Dr Brian Glibkowski

Publisher: Emerald Publishing ISBN: 978-1839828737 Released: 14.04.2021

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In a complex and fast-moving world, AQ is our ability to provide elevated answers, to emotionally connect, explain, predict, and achieve results. If we shape our answers in the right way we can command attention, capture the imagination and withstand critical examination.

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ is a book about six types of answers: story, metaphor, theory, concept, procedure, and action. Dr Glibkowski shows how we can elevate our answers to influence and communicate more effectively using five High AQ practices to provide the right type and combination of answers in any given context.


Healthy Leadership

Anna Eliatamby

Publisher: Shilka Publishing ISBN: 978-1804430071 Released: 14.11.2022

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Helps leaders recognise the negative aspects which might affect their organisation and prevent it achieving its goals. It sets out how organisations can overcome challenges, turn negatives into positives and transform their company’s culture for the better.


Softening The Edge: Empathy - How Humanity’s Oldest Leadership Trait Is Changing Our World

Mimi Nicklin

Publisher: The Dreamwork Collective ISBN: 978-9948340096 Released: 25.09.2020

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Softening the Edge is an insightful new book from millennial leader Mimi Nicklin that takes a long hard look at the impact on our lives of the worsening “empathy deficit”. Empathy levels have fallen by a staggering 40% in ten years – according to a longitudinal study by the University of Michigan, so this book is part business tool, part corporate culture guide and part social eye opener.


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Cella Pegler Orchard