
Re-writing Your Leadership Code

Nik Kinley and Shlomo Ben-Hur

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

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The 9-5 routine has become more complicated for business leaders, with 74% saying that the number of decisions they make every day has risen over the past five years. Leaders are having to rely on their instincts to cope with the increased pressure and workload. But by running on automatic, we risk bringing unreliable traits and subconscious biases to the surface.

Written by leadership expert Nik Kinley and organisational psychologist Shlomo Ben-Hur, this new book draws upon decades of research and proven neurological and psychological mechanisms to show how our past experiences shape our adult tendencies and why early experiences of stress, conflict and friendship can create blind spots for our leadership patterns.

From how we act in meetings and manage conflict to whether we respect our boss and can handle change, our childhood plays a pivotal part in how we lead our teams and organisations when under pressure. By understanding these triggers and traits, managers can be more aware of when they’re running on automatic and ensure their actions are intentional, relevant, and effective.


The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking: Leading Your Organization Into the Future

Michael D. Watkins

Released: 15.01.24

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Businesses face unprecedented challenges with technology, supply chain issues, economic uncertainty, and political instability. To avoid being overwhelmed by the chaos and outmanoeuvred by their competitors, leaders must learn how to turn disruption into opportunity and instil strategic thinking into their teams, cultures, and management styles.

Every leader can learn to be a stronger strategic thinker. From mental agility and pattern recognition to visioning and political savvy, this book digs deep into the six disciplines of strategic thinking that separate good and great leaders, and offers the tools required to build this skill into a competitive edge in a VUCA environment.

A comprehensive, practical, and actionable guide to strategic thinking, this essential new book offers a wealth of insights and tools for leaders at all levels to help them win the game of business – strategically.


How to Build Winning Teams Again and Again

James Scouller

Publisher: Hawkhurst Publishing Released: 11/01/2024

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Drawing upon thirty-five years of experience in team development, James Scouller, author of new book series HOW TO BUILD WINNING TEAMS AGAIN AND AGAIN offers breakthrough answers on team success. Using easy-to read, concise language, he sets out the psychological keys, action principals and road map to building outstanding teams.

This unique book series is broken into three practical handbooks:

• Book One explains what you need to KNOW about teams.

• Book Two explains what you need to DO in building and sustaining teams.

• Book Three explains HOW to do it by guiding readers on the best sequence of actions


The Leader’s Guide to Wellbeing: How to use soft skills to get hard results

Dr Audrey Tang

Publisher: Pearson

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Dr Audrey Tang offers a step change in how leaders and organisations should approach wellbeing in their organisations. She recommends techniques and strategies to banish burnout and create a culture of psychological safety and inclusion to keep teams feeling valued, motivated and energised. With lots of exercises to practise regularly, this book will help you make lasting positive, transformational change.

The Leader’s Guide to Wellbeing completes Dr Tang’s ‘head–heart–gut’ series of books (see also The Leader’s Guide to Mindfulness and The Leader’s Guide to Resilience) and supports wellbeing as a core function of leadership. It offers the leader – and their teams – a clear understanding of what wellbeing is, as well as practical ways to create a culture of wellbeing within the organisation and the individual.


Business Morphology: How to Navigate Through Change

Julie Nerney and Geoff Robins

Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing Released: 24.10.2023

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Standing still in today's business environment is not an option if you are to survive and thrive. But navigating your way through change can be complex, challenging and daunting. Business Morphology is here to help break down this complexity.

No matter what sector you're in or what challenges your organisation is facing, authors and business transformation experts Julie Nerney and Geoff Robins say there are five fundamental levers that you can apply to effect real change: modifying your operating model, product or service diversification, mergers or acquisitions, people, and culture.

For each of the levers, Nerney and Robins draw on their extensive experience leading major transformation programmes in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors to design Morphology Maps – an easy-to-use, visual planning tool to help leaders contextualise their current situation and reach their transformation goals.


Valued at Work: Shining a light on bias to engage, enable, and retain women in STEM

Lauren Neal

Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing Released: 10.10.2023

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Women navigating a traditionally male-dominated technical sector too frequently feel invisible, frustrated, and undervalued in the workplace. Lauren Neal has been there, and she’s developed tried-and-tested approaches that male-dominated organisations can take to motivate and retain women. Because only a truly empowered, diverse workforce can drive the best business outcomes and innovations.

Inspired by real-life stories, Valued at Work gives you the tools to take control and drive real change without alienating any of the workforce!

Lauren Neal is an award-winning chartered engineer and chartered project professional in the energy industry. Having worked with men and women offshore, onshore and onsite on multimillion-dollar projects across the globe since 2005, she is a sought-after speaker and writer championing gender equity within STEM.


Leader as Healer: A new paradigm for 21st-century leadership

Nicholas Janni

Publisher: LID Released: 24.03.2022

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This is a book about the highest levels of presence and peak performance leadership. It is, above all, a call to break from the chronically imbalanced ways of thinking and functioning that have become the norm in so many corporate cultures, where doing, eclipses being, and hyper-rational, analytical thinking relegates feeling, sensing, intuiting and the transpersonal to the outer fringes of life. To face the scope and threats of 21st-century challenges, today’s leaders must possess potent powers for logic, reason, discernment and strategic forecasting. Yet, they must also be empathic and therefore embodied, grounded and intuitive.

Today's leaders must be:

  • Skilled in mindfulness and deep listening
  • Present and receptive to higher levels of insight and innovation
  • Able to inspire authentic engagement and collaboration
  • Possess a clear and wholehearted sense of service, mission and purpose

Such a leader is the Leader as Healer.


Leading Edge: Strategies for developing and sustaining high-performing teams

Alison Grieve & Jenni Miller

Publisher: Practical Inspirations Publishing ISBN: 9781788604604 Released: 19.09.2023

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Of course your team is good. It’s made up of good people. But imagine if it was GREAT… imagine if it had the EDGE…In a world of ambiguity and constant change, teams are the critical glue for solving complex problems, delivering in challenging environments and supporting each other to grow, develop and be engaged. Drawing from extensive research working across hundreds of teams, Alison Grieve and Jenni Miller have developed an integrated and full-team approach that allows any team to achieve high performance and sustain it. In this highly practical book, they translate their authoritative research and theory into five key Edge Dynamics, together with clear steps and tools that can be applied immediately. Take your team to the edge of higher performance, deeper engagement and greater wellbeing and beyond.


Revolting Women: Why midlife women are walking out, and what to do about it

Dr Lucy Ryan

Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing ISBN: 9781788603980 Released: 05.09.2023

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Professional women over 50 are faced with a triple-whammy of discrimination: they are not male, young, or linear in their career paths. As a result, they are leaving corporate life and taking their career into their own hands. And with it, they take their abundant wisdom, energy and ambition.

Drawing on new research by Dr Lucy Ryan that fills a longstanding data gap, this book shows that assumptions about declining midlife motivation and energy just aren’t true for women and reveals how you can retain and develop this invaluable talent pool with a better understanding of their challenges and a few simple changes.

In Revolting Women, Dr Lucy Ryan shows how professional women have transformed our world and how women over 50 are deserving of your attention and ready to step up in your business.


Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You’re Put on the Spot

Matt Abrahams

Publisher: Pan Macmillan ISBN: 9781035024957 Released: 26.09.2023

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Communication is crucial to success in life and business. However, it is not just big speeches that matter: it is also those critical, spur-of-the-moment situations for which we cannot prepare.

A prospective client asking unexpected questions during a sales pitch, a teacher singling you out for an answer during a class, a high-pressure meeting with senior executives at work, or even a heartwarming toast to deliver on the spot. All are fraught scenarios that might cause you to freeze up. The pandemic has only boosted this fear, by stripping the spontaneity from communication during lockdown, and then changing the communication landscape.

In this invaluable guide, Matt Abrahams – Stanford University lecturer and creator of the hit podcast, Think Fast, Talk Smart – provides a six-point methodology that will enable you to cut through the anxiety arising from these stressful, impromptu circumstances to create and deliver crisp, compelling and calm communication.


The Seven Games of Leadership: Navigating the Inner Journey of Leaders

Paolo Gallo

Publisher: Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781399405478 Released: 12.10.2023

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The disruptive moment in which we find ourselves living demands that we are our own agents of change. The Seven Games of Leadership is a guide for readers through seven key phases of personal and professional development, with the aim not of climbing a corporate ladder but of finding true and lasting satisfaction in what they do.

It encourages the realization that revolutionary change is not about destroying the current status quo, but about co-designing and rebuilding different paths for individuals to thrive, and go on to have a positive impact on society at large. The objective is to allow people to identify a career that is better aligned not only with their individual values, but with a broader purpose centred on a wider sense of humanity and sustainable prosperity for all.

The Seven Games of Leadership provides the tools and practical advice you need to reassess your priorities and take the steps necessary to refocus your life, your career and the issues of the world around you.


GLUE: Transforming Leadership in a Hybrid World

John Dore

Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 9781032531687 Released: 04.10.2023

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The adoption of remote, hybrid and flexible working is the new normal. But like the old normal, no one seems very happy. The solution requires a different type of leadership – one that unites, transforms and elevates performance. Leadership that creates glue.

With employee engagement, productivity and personal ties on the wane, leaders urgently need to refocus on harnessing relationships, making their organisations more humane, and finding new ways to engage and unleash talent. To do that, the single, most impactful thing leaders can do is to create and nurture an intangible, yet essential, factor called glue.

Glue sets out some ideas about glue: where to look for it, how to use it and, most importantly, how to cultivate glue amongst your most valuable people. It explores the approach of some unusual leaders, and of firms transformed through the ‘organisational advantage’ of smartly configuring and harnessing talent. Using stories from firms such as Alibaba, Apple, Barclays, Sky, Husqvarna Group, HSBC, Space X, Zopa and Richer Sounds, the book shows how leaders can shape the effectiveness of teams, reimagine the workplace, and reinvigorate their business through the talents, ideas and energy of their firm’s best people.

This book is for anyone who has a genuine interest in leading others with impact and wants to better unite, transform and elevate their business. Whatever your role, sector or seniority, this book sets out a distinctive vision for the firm and shows the profound impact you can make through creating and nurturing glue.


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