
Reverse Mentoring: Removing Barriers and Building Belonging in the Workplace

Patrice Gordon

Publisher: Little, Brown ISBN: 9780306829611 Released: 01.11.2022

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Most organizations today strive for goals such as employee diversity, inclusive leadership, and younger and fresher ideas. But how do we get there?

In her trailblazing Reverse Mentorship program, world-renowned executive coach and personal development advocate Patrice Gordon creates a safe and engaging culture by having senior leaders learn from junior employees. While typical mentoring programs arrange for a senior manager to teach the more junior employee, Reverse Mentoring is the opposite: it's all about a leader leaning into their vulnerability, forming a relationship with an underrepresented employee, and amplifying the voice of marginalized people within the company.

Reverse Mentoring offers various tips to make reverse mentorship work. Gordon explores the power of uncomfortable and awkward moments becoming key points of transformation when people have to pause, reflect and assess their past behaviors and current assumptions which are at odds with the topic at hand. She ultimately reveals how bringing more humanity into our organizations allows us to see one another and ourselves in a radically new light.


Tech Led Culture: Unlock the Full Potential of Your Business and People

Duena Blomstrom

Publisher: Kogan Page ISBN: 9781398610712 Released: 03.10.2023

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In Tech-Led Culture, Duena Blomstrom highlights how you can discover the new innovations and technologies that can lead to meaningful and lasting change in your business. This book provides you with the insights, knowledge and confidence you need to improve your performance and ensure that your business thrives and grows in the increasingly innovative and competitive landscape.

Employees and teams are more disengaged and fragmented than ever; get ahead of the competition and attract new talent by becoming the exception. Tech-Led Culture is an essential companion for any leader or changemaker looking to implement and sustain change initiatives within their business which will lead to more productivity, greater innovation and better performance.


Leading with the Right Brain

Yda Bouvier

Publisher: Yda Bouvier ISBN: 9781399942911 Released: 13.03.2023

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Many leaders are especially capable ‘left brain’ thinkers, a trait that has served them well in their careers, allowing them to build strong strategic, problem-solving and goal achievement track records. And yet the challenges facing today’s workplace – the rise of remote working, the evolution of AI, the need for more emotional connection, the drive for truly inclusive cultures – increasingly require different thinking using the ‘right brain’.

Executive Coach Yda Bouvier has distilled her 25 years’ experience helping leaders use their right brain into the inspiring new book, Leading with the Right Brain – the ultimate guide to activating right-brain thinking.

She breaks down the neuroscience behind how the left and right brain work, and provides case studies, techniques and tools that leaders, coaches, and employees alike can practice to engage their right brain, in order to see more, think differently and bring new insights, gain a better emotional understanding about ourselves and others and build stronger team connections – especially virtually – making remote working more fulfilling – activating the right brain is critical for our wellbeing.


The Adventure of Sustainable Performance: Beyond ESG Compliance to Leadership in the New Era

Dean Sanders & Stuart McLachlan

Publisher: Wiley ISBN: 978-1394177417 Released: 27.04.2023

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We have reached a tipping point. Time is running out to solve the problems of this decisive decade and make sustainability happen. But in this pivot or perish moment, action will only be possible with the right leadership in place.

In a time of disruption like never before, The Adventure of Sustainable Performance provides a bold blueprint for pioneers who want to shape the next era of business as we transition from the old world to the new.

Starting with a tour of the modern challenges of ESG compliance, tech advancements and stakeholder alignment, The Adventure of Sustainable Performance reminds us that ‘business as usual’ is no longer an option. Instead, McLachlan and Sanders expertly argue that fundamental changes to the economic, capitalist business models that we’re used to are inevitable, so it’s better to jump in the canoe and start the transition now than get stranded in the strongholds of the past.

Underpinned by the metaphor of an elephant charge, the authors provide a guidebook on the journey to sustainable performance and how to take decisive action in the face of the unknown. From the ‘Why’ of moving from shareholder to stakeholder systems to the ‘How’ of pivoting your mindset and attracting the right people to implement your transformation, the book presents a reimagined business landscape that will inspire courageous leaders to redefine how we think about growth, purpose, and value.

Based on the authors’ decades of experience shaping a more productive and resilient world - with McLachlan the CEO of Anthesis Group, the largest pure-play sustainability specialist globally, and Sanders as its Chief Enterprise Officer - the insights shared in executive interviews and case studies from Nestlé, Service Now, AXA, LanzaTech and many others offer a hopeful and practical guide to the transformative opportunities that can ensure long-term prosperity for society.

Perfect for C-suite, managers, directors, and other business leaders, The Adventure of Sustainable Performance is an exciting invitation to remind us that the real spirit of enterprise is creativity, courage, and vision.


Confident Career Conversations: Empower your employees for career growth and retention

Antoinette Oglethorpe

Publisher: Rethink Press ISBN: 9781781337813 Released: 15.06.2023

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Organisations want to maximise performance and employees want to maximise their career success. These goals are not one and the same. The key to keeping and growing employees is to help them develop their careers in line with the needs of the business. This relies on open, honest and effective two-way conversations. However, managers and employees can find it hard to talk about career development.

Confident Careers Conversations, answers the big question of how to have engaging career conversations that empower employees to take ownership of their own development while providing them with the information and support they need.


HumanForce: The power of emotions in a changing workplace

Natalie Boudou

Publisher: Rethink Press ISBN: 9781781337615 Released: 04.06.2023

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Showing emotions at work is notoriously seen as ‘weak’ or ‘unprofessional’. But the pandemic threw this outdated view into sharp relief – revealing the need for human connection, in order for staff to feel supported, psychologically safe and valued in a constantly changing and uncertain workplace.

HumanForce, is the ultimate guide to harnessing the power of emotions at work. Grounded in the latest academic research, this book reveals why leaders must grow their emotional intelligence to boost productivity, retain top talent, and ensure healthy and thriving teams.


In the Moment: Build Your Confidence, Communication and Creativity at Work

Neil Mullarkey

Publisher: Kogan Page ISBN: 9781398610767 Released: 03.06.2023

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There are moments throughout our lives when our confidence and creativity can make all the difference. Discover how to transform your career and grow your network by finding success  In The Moment.

Every meeting, presentation and conversation is an opportunity to embrace your confidence and show your creative flair. With insights on collaboration, risk-taking and organization, this book arms you with a complete repertoire of powerful communication tricks and strategies.

Neil Mullarkey is both a communications expert and a well-known comedian. In his new book he shares how to improve your creativity, communication and confidence to navigate a better career path and improve your professional life.


The Alignment Advantage: Transform Your Strategy, Culture and Customers to Succeed

Richard Nugent

Publisher: Kogan Page ISBN: 9781398610606 Released: 03.06.2023

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Strategy, culture and customers are the key elements of any business. But to truly succeed, they need to be effectively built, refined and aligned.

Studies show that organizations which are highly aligned are 72% more profitable than their competition. The Alignment Advantage shows how you can achieve this through a practical and proven framework which can be adapted to all businesses, whether it's a small start-up, multinational organization or somewhere in between.

Arguing that Simon Sinek's "start with why" approach is compelling yet flawed and Peter Drucker's claim that "culture eats strategy for breakfast" is a myth, Richard Nugent creates a clear, accessible blueprint for a more successful, collaborative and efficient organization. Illustrated with fascinating case studies from the likes of LEGOLAND, Wagamama and The Empire State Building, The Alignment Advantage cuts through organizational silos and inter-departmental tensions to provide an aligned and strategic approach that will allow you to build your success, refine your processes and align your efforts to target your customers and clients.


Conversational Wisdom: Strengthening Human Connection through the Power of Conversation

Emily Cosgrove &, Sara Hope

Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 9781032287614 Released: 19.06.2023

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Conversations: the heartbeat of our organisations. They help us to create, innovate, and effect change together, and they help us grow as individuals, communities, and organisations. Planned or incidental, conversations have the power to change our lives.

Right now, we’re at risk of losing the art of doing it well. We need to radically change how we talk to each other, to create workplaces where people feel they belong and can thrive.

Conversational Wisdom is the new book from communication experts Sara Hope and Emily Cosgrove. Their aim is to help others to grow their conversational wisdom to create more inclusive and collaborative environments and to make work more meaningful.


The Flexible Method: Prepare To Prosper In The Next Global Crisis

James Burstall

Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing ISBN: 9781399806527 Released: 30.03.2023

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From global pandemics to extreme storms – disasters are inevitable, but businesses don’t have to face them unprepared. The Flexible Method – Prepare to Prosper In The Next Global Crisis offers a practical guide to preparing for a crisis, with unique insights from leaders across the board – including media, health, hospitality, travel and non-profit. The tried and tested methods not only offer pathways to survival – but reveal opportunities for growth.

Author James Burstall runs one of the most successful TV production companies in the UK, producing shows like Dispatches and The Masked Singer. During his time at Argonon he has dealt with a variety of existential crises: from terror attacks to recessions, natural disasters and of course, pandemics. Through them all, he has managed to guide his team out the other side and set strategies for the next time something like this happens: because it will happen again.

The Flexible Method covers sixteen tried and tested methods to futureproof businesses, including:

  • Preparing for Disasters
    Disasters can be predictable, so game plan across your organization in calm times. Heed signs of the coming storm. Keep your business continuity and disaster recovery plans up to date.
  • Collaborate and Connect

The temptation is to baton down the hatches and wait for the storm to pass – but both experience and research from the pandemic and the 2008 financial crisis show that collaborating with others can be a path to growth during disaster.

  • Put Your People First

Your people are everything. When disaster strikes get them to safety – you need them healthy and onside. Leave no one behind.

  • Adapt

Be open to new ways of working and be willing to change your business practices. Act like a start-up to allow your business evolve alongside the situation.


Equality Vs Equity: Tackling Issues of Race in the Workplace

Jenny Garrett OBE

Publisher: Emerald Publishing ISBN: 9781803826769 Released: 13.02.2023

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In Equality vs Equity: Tackling Issues of Race in the Workplace, Jenny helps readers unpack the concept of racial equity and understand it’s importance in moving the dial up on inclusion in the workplace. Companies that strive for equality (treating everyone the same without discrimination) rarely factor in the need for equity, and yet it is equity that is the true capstone of the journey to achieve a fair work environment. Equity stands for fairness, yet what is fair is not necessarily equal, and what is equal is not necessarily fair. The best part about achieving equity is the unique and intangible sense of community and engagement it creates.

Equality vs Equity is the one-stop guide to help companies and leaders step away from making performative targets and statements, and do the real work required to make a fairer future for all.

This book not only gives a clear explanation as to the importance of achieving equity in the workplace, but provides the essential education needed for those who want to learn true allyship, and influence others in the ongoing work to eliminate racism in the workplace.


Why Brave Women Win: Creating Your Path to Confidence and Power in the Workplace

Jill Bausch

Publisher: Leaders Press ISBN: 9781637351529 Released: 27.04.2023

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Jill Bausch was an executive living the "dream life''. She sipped champagne at the luxury hotels where she worked as a senior executive, traveled the world, and on the outside, looked as though she had achieved success. So why did she walk away? Bausch knew she wouldn't be fulfilled until she set her sights on much bigger missions: combatting the HIV pandemic and helping to uplift sex workers and women throughout the world.

Taking on the challenges facing sex workers and HIV+ people requires bravery. Going against what is expected from you, either as a woman, wife, mother or corporate executive, requires bravery. But Bausch knows that brave women really do win.

In Why Brave Women Win, Jill Bausch shares her story as a woman who used bravery to tackle imposter syndrome, find joy in failure, and transform into a real life hero. In this inspiring self-help book for women aiming to achieve all types of wins, you will learn:

  • Why it's important to learn to mirror confidence until it is natural and how to do it
  • Different levels of listening, and how they bring you closer (or pull you away) from reaching success
  • The seven habits of highly successful women and how you can practice them
  • What it takes to package yourself in a way that produces maximum impact without compromising your integrity or authenticity or your voice
  • How to be a lasting leader during turbulent times

Jill's story does not start with her on a direct path to success; she is proof that any woman can be a hero with a little bit of bravery. Allow yourself to be inspired by her experiences throughout the world, absorb her advice, and march forward into the world on your own hero's journey.


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