Jayne Burton

Cultivating mindful and mentally healthy workplaces

Introducing Jayne Burton – Corporate Wellness expert, workplace yoga instructor and Wellbeing Specialist at WorkLifeWell

Jayne Brown is a Corporate Yoga Instructor with over a decade’s experience in cultivating team  cohesion, breaking down workplace silos and reducing the physical and mental impact of stress through the tools of yoga and meditation. In close conjunction with HR, Jayne has led regular in-house classes for staff, meditation & breath awareness workshops for Stress and Mental Health Awareness Weeks, and team building sessions at away-days.

As a former Marketing Director, Jayne’s background comes from a breadth of organisations in the health sector space, including the British Medical Journal (BMJ), the Royal College of Nursing, Health Service Journal and Nursing Times. 

An expert in strategic management and leadership, her experience of empathetically managing large teams through change with a coaching-style has resulted in prestigious award-winning brand campaigns (Brand Impact Awards 2022, Transform Awards 2021). With customer insight as her cornerstone and her expertise in qualitative and quantitative research, both externally and internally – including staff satisfaction insight – Jayne has in-depth knowledge and understanding of employee experience and how to strategically manage change so organisations can create optimal outcomes and thriving teams.

Jayne is an ILM qualified coach with a clientele based in the UK and US. She supports clients with their professional and personal goals, empowering them to live happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives.

About The Business

WorkLifeWell – bringing wellbeing together to build healthier, happier cultures 

Holistically combining her experience as a senior leader, people manager, coach and yoga instructor, Jayne is part of the WorkLifeWell team which enables senior business leaders, HR professionals and wellbeing teams to develop effective health and wellness strategies to beat burnout, combat stress, reduce absenteeism and ensure happy and healthy company culture. 

For further information, an interview, comment or article from Jayne, please contact:

Alice Rowe
+44 1497 288 018

At A Glance

  • Founder of Yoga with Jayne – Jayne has 10 years’ experience in Corporate Wellness, running yoga and meditation workshops for workplace wellness days and team-building retreats to help busy professionals reduce stress, find calm, and achieve the best work/life balance
  • Wellness Specialist at WorkLifeWell – Jayne helps senior business leaders, HR professionals and wellbeing teams implement effective wellness strategies to beat burnout, reduce absenteeism, boost productivity and ensure happy and healthy company cultures
  • People manager with 20 years of experience in Marketing - reaching Director and SLT level, Jayne works closely with organisations in the health sector, from the British Medical Journal to the Royal College of Nursing
  • Level 7 Executive Coach and Mentor – with clients across the UK and the US, Jayne guides leaders and employees alike on nurturing healthy habits to ensure professional and personal fulfilment

Ready To Speak To The Media

  • Jayne is a warm and personable speaker, and aspiring novelist, who is available for interview, to write by-lined articles and offer expert comment on topics including:
  • Warning signs your workforce is heading for burnout – and how to stop it
  • Why understanding your employees’ emotional intelligence is vital for healthy culture
  • 6 ways leaders can encourage healthy lifestyle habits in their teams
  • Top tips to beat mental fatigue and boost motivation in your staff
  • 3 surefire ways to ensure your team flourishes
  • How to achieve high-performance and a healthy mindset at work
  • Stressed out at work? Simple ways to Stop Stress and Stay Calm
  • Commuter yoga: Simple exercises you can do on the train to arrive at the office
  • How to successfully navigate the choppy waters of change at work
  • Values-driven leadership - how to authentically inspire and motivate your team
  • 5 easy meditations to do at your desk – and why it’s key to silencing stress

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