Jeremy Campbell

People and business transformation expert

Jeremy Campbell is a people & business transformation expert, and CEO of Black Isle Group. Serving all kinds of organisations from starts-ups to Fortune 500 companies, Black Isle Group (BIG) blends behavioural science, professional culture coaching and nudge® technology to help companies take daily steps towards positive organisational change.

Everyday actions lead to game-changing business results

It’s the everyday actions of individuals that determine collective success, yet most companies overlook this truth when pursuing strategic goals. When corporate objectives feel disconnected from daily working realities, individuals lose focus and motivation and the entire business falls short. This explains why only 1 in 10 organisations achieve all their strategic goals. But it doesn’t need to be like this.

Good habits are formed when small, daily achievements are recognized, valued and encouraged. It’s exactly this sustained support that the nudge technology was built to deliver.

About The Business

The Nudge® app

By making it simple for individuals to record actions and see how their efforts are directly contributing to group progress, the nudge® app gives users the motivation needed to become a driver of improvement. It is the same system & methodology used to steer Taekwondo athlete Jade Jones to double Olympic Gold – focusing on the everyday actions which are in your control, creating consistency and new habits, and reducing the pressure of thinking about the big outcomes which have already been set. Key features include:

  • Daily nudges & goal tracker
  • Vision, values and goal alignment
  • Real time reporting
  • OKR measures
  • Weekly reflections & check-ins
  • Small win celebrations
  • Peer-to-peer recognition
  • Encourages routine & habit formation
For further information, expert comment, or an interview with Jeremy Campbell please contact:

Rhian Pearson: E: T: 01497 288018

At A Glance

  • CEO of Black Isle Group, a leadership & training consultancy that delivers business growth by empowering people to understand their role in delivering a strategic objective
  • 35 years of business and leadership experience – including as former Chief People Officer at global HR, tech and services innovator Ceridian and MD of SD Worx
  • Executive Coach and Leadership mentor – supporting senior executives and business leaders around the world for the past 15 years and awarded the triple accredited (ICF, AC, EMCC) Professional Certificate in Coaching by Henley Business School
  • Experienced & engaging keynote speaker on leadership development & personal development
  • Creator of the Nudge® app, which offers sustained support and encouragement and gives users the motivation needed to improve and make a positive impact

Ready To Speak To The Media

  • What businesses can learn from Taekwondo athlete Jade Jones’s journey to World Champion and double Olympic Gold
  • Baby steps – why small manageable daily actions are the key to creating lasting habits
  • Why remote work doesn’t have to be disconnected
  • Is your team too comfortable? How to motivate them to success
  • What football can teach us about aiming high, empowering your team and achieving ambitious goals
  • 8 coaching skills every leader should master
  • How to supercharge your team NOW!
  • Top tips to create the right habits to reach your most ambitious goals

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t. 01497 288018


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